Upgrade XP to Windows 8.  The times are a’ changing.


Now is the time to upgrade XP as Windows XP will stop being supported by Microsoft on April 8th.
That means no more security updates from Microsoft. This potentially exposes you to any new security risks found by crafty hackers in Windows XP.
The official Microsoft information on the subject cane be found here

upgrade XP






So it’s time to say goodbye to Windows XP and upgrade XP to Windows 8 and GMan the PC Man here to help you!
We’ll upgrade XP for you, back up all your data and re-install all your old software, advising on any incompatibilities with Windows 8 as we go.
Might also be a good time for a hardware upgrade too
$50 off for the first 4 people to get in contact and take up my services to upgrade.

upgrade XP

Upgrade to Windows 8 now!!!






Contact GMan the PC Man to upgrade!